
2023 World Internet Conference Summit to be Held in Wuzhen from 8th to 10th of November

November 8, 2023

2023 World Internet Conference Summit to be Held in Wuzhen from 8th to 10th of November

The opening ceremony of the 2023 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit was held on the 8th of November. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the Summit via video, he called for build a more equal and inclusive cyberspace and stressed the need to better promote the shared values of humanity.

Hosted by the WIC and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, the Summit aims to celebrate the achievements and advancements in the digital world while fostering global cooperation in cyberspace. The Wuzhen Summit will feature 20 sub-forums covering a wide range of topics, including global development initiatives for digital cooperation, digital transformation for green and sustainable development, data governance, network computing power, artificial intelligence, and the digital future.

The Summit brings together more than 580 enterprises from over 48 countries, both in-person and online. The event will combine exhibitions, product launches, technology demonstrations, and job fairs, offering a multifaceted platform for knowledge exchange and industry engagement. It serves as a platform for participants to explore innovative solutions and seize opportunities in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Investigation Reveals Hospital Involved in Forgery and Sale of Birth Certificates

On 7th November, an investigation found that a hospital in Xiangyang, Hubei Province allegedly engaged in the illegal activities of forging and selling birth certificates. The case has gained widespread attention and raised concerns about the security and integrity of vital records.

According to reports, prospective buyers only need to provide their personal details and pay a sum of 96,000 yuan ($13,200), and the hospital would process a complete set of genuine information, including medical records for check-ups, hospital stays, childbirth, and discharge. Additionally, the hospital would provide a nationally recognized version of vaccination records, including Hepatitis B and BCG vaccines, complete with injection dates and manufacturer details.

The Xiangyang Municipal Health Commission responded swiftly to the allegations. A task force was dispatched to the hospital, where personnel were interviewed overnight, and relevant evidence was seized for further investigation. As a result, the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital has been suspended, and individuals responsible for the wrongdoing have been apprehended. The hospital director has been placed under criminal detention and is currently under investigation. Authorities are actively conducting further inquiries to verify the extent of the issue.


Harbin Institute of Technology’s ‘Warm Corridor’ Project Defies Harsh Winter Weather

In recent days, snow and freezing weather have swept across northeastern China. In response, local authorities have implemented emergency measures, including the early activation of centralized heating systems. Meanwhile, the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) in Northeast China has topped social media with an “surreal” video.

The video shows HIT students strolling around the campus in shorts and short-sleeved shirts, despite Harbin’s temperatures dropping below minus 10 degrees. This “sci-fi scene” is possible thanks to HIT’s ‘Warm Corridor’ project. Through enclosed corridors, students can move around the campus without being affected by the outside weather. HIT has stated that the ‘Warm Corridor’ project has currently been completed across 881.81 meters, with an additional 448.32 meters planned for construction. Once the Warm Corridor project is finished, students at HIT will be able to stay warm during winter in any part of the campus, even when dressed in just a short-sleeved shirt.

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